split cells

英 [splɪt sɛlz] 美 [splɪt sɛlz]

网络  拆分单元格; 分离单元; 分离单位



  1. Therefore, the two highest chamber inside the cell should be split to form the two cells.
  2. Taxol is tubulin polymerization and stability in the role of the split caused rapid tumor cells in the mitotic phase was firmly fixed so that the cancer cells by blocking reproduction and death.
  3. If you want to add or remove rows and columns from a layout table, click any of the options in the merge and split cells list in the task pane.
  4. They split us up into separate cells.
  5. Other nations, including the United States, are split over whether to ban just human cloning or cloning of all kinds, including the production of stem cells.
  6. Researchers separate and split cells in a definite direction so as to form healthy tissues, a substitute for the pathological ones for the purpose of curing diseases.
  7. Amitosis began with a transversal constriction of nucleus to form dumb bell shaped nucleus which later split into two daughter nuclei, and completed with the separation of cytoplasm to form two new cells.
  8. Phages belong to bacterial viruses. They split bacterial cells to gain substances in them; therefore, they can be transformed into vector of genetic engineering.
  9. Cells no longer clustered into a group and split much slower. Polygonal cells body transformed into fusiform. Formed one or a few long axons, cells were obvious polarity.
  10. The cytoplasm split to form new daughter cells was blocked after nucleolus division in the process of cell division, as the result of, many multinuclear giant cells had been formed, and finally died.
  11. Under the epidermal cells in only the longitudinal elongation of caryopsis development process rather than split, there will be the interval between the epidermal cells with the development of rice caryopsis. 2.